The Bridesmaid Bouquet
Our Bridesmaid Bouquet is a smaller sized hand tied bouquet perfect for an adult maid to complement the bridal bouquet or it could also be used as a small dainty bridal bouquet. Designed with gorgeous seasonal flowers and finished off in a coordinating satin ribbon.
Select your preferred colour palette and leave it to us to create a bridesmaid bouquet in our signature, garden inspired, romantic style.
Flowers vary based on seasonal availability.
Our Bridesmaid Bouquet is a smaller sized hand tied bouquet perfect for an adult maid to complement the bridal bouquet or it could also be used as a small dainty bridal bouquet. Designed with gorgeous seasonal flowers and finished off in a coordinating satin ribbon.
Select your preferred colour palette and leave it to us to create a bridesmaid bouquet in our signature, garden inspired, romantic style.
Flowers vary based on seasonal availability.
Our Bridesmaid Bouquet is a smaller sized hand tied bouquet perfect for an adult maid to complement the bridal bouquet or it could also be used as a small dainty bridal bouquet. Designed with gorgeous seasonal flowers and finished off in a coordinating satin ribbon.
Select your preferred colour palette and leave it to us to create a bridesmaid bouquet in our signature, garden inspired, romantic style.
Flowers vary based on seasonal availability.